Olive oil with olives

9 olive oil benefits you can’t afford to miss

Not all fat is made equal

Olive oil with olives

There’s the good, the bad and the ugly

There is a reason that the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil have been the topic of ongoing research for decades as an integral part of the Mediterranean diet that is known for helping to yield an increased life expectancy. Olive oil is undeniably good for our bodies.

Take a look at 20 health benefits that extra virgin olive oil has to offer.

1. Olive oil helps maintain heart health

Woman running at sunrise

The leading cause of death in the world is heart disease. Needless to say, our heart is what keeps our motor in function. 

Countless studies continue to prove that olive oil has astonishing benefits for the heart. 

Researchers began to notice as they studied heart health internationally comparing various regions of the world. They noticed that countries who predominantly follow the Mediterranean diet showed fewer cases of heart disease. 

For hundreds of years, those who follow the Mediterranean diet consume an average of 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day, if not more. 

This is easy to do as the diet consists of little to no butter and/or margarine. In fact, it is rare to find much butter in the homes of most Mediterranean homes unless they are avid bakers. 

Nowadays, even traditional dessert recipes are being altered to replace animal fats like butter with vegetable fats like olive oil and they are producing tasty results.

“Researchers found those who ate more than half a tablespoon of olive oil each day had a 15% lower risk of having any kind of cardiovascular disease and a 21% lower risk of coronary heart disease. Replacing one teaspoon of butter, margarine, mayonnaise or dairy fat with the same amount of olive oil lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 5% and coronary heart disease by 7%.” Heart.org

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best oils we can treat ourselves with and it has been proven time and time again. 

Takeaway: If our heart is the motor of our bodies, we better make sure we’re careful about oil maintenance. Lack of motor oil, or poor quality oil can ruin an entire motor.  

2. Olive oil is not a fatty fat

Measuring stomach, body weight, obesity

It actually helps to regulate your appetite. 

It is true that consuming more than the recommended daily doses of animal based fats and some oils can result in gaining weight. 

Organic extra virgin olive oil is actually like a personal trainer that lives right in your pantry. 

Studies have shown that olive oil is able to trick your body into thinking it is full which can actually aid in maintaining a healthy body mass index and even help those who want shed a few pounds. 

Incredibly, there is research that continues to prove that olive oil can in fact help with weight loss. 

A study from the European Commission believes that the monounsaturated fats in olive oil could lead to new treatments for those suffering from diet issues and even obesity.

“Specifically, oleic acid, which is found in olive oil, is converted into OEA by cells in the upper reaches of the small intestine. From there, it makes its way to nerve endings that carry appetite-suppressing messages to the brain. In the brain, the message activates a circuit that generates sensations of fullness.” European Commission 

Takeaway: If you suffer from increased appetite try starting your meals with olive oil based foods like a salad or veggies dressed with raw olive oil. 

3. Olive oil can help fight cancer

Stethoscope, hospital, doctor, black and white

The National Library of Medicine found that olive oil can help reduce the risk of cancer by 31%

Increasing evidence supports that olive oil constituents convey protection against the development of several types of cancer.” National Library of Medicine

We return to the miraculous examples found in the Mediterranean diet that observe lower risks of cancers. While we believe that the Mediterranean diet is more than just what you consume, but also how, when and with whom…researchers cannot help but link it to the powerful qualities found in the diet’s key ingredient, olive oil. 

Olive oil is undeniably a superfood that improves the lining of blood vessels and injects the body with good fat to help prevent so much more than cancer.

Takeaway: While olive oil is a fundamental part of the Mediterranean diet, so is routine and a balanced diet. 

Did you know that eating together is also said to increase life-expectancy? This is also very much part of Mediterranean culture. We suggest a combination of olive oil and some good company for the best results. 

4. Olive oil contains excellent monounsaturated fats 

Butter and flour / baking

Most people don’t know what monounsaturated fats are, and that’s ok. Most of us aren’t nutritionists.

What we need to know is that they are good fats, they help maintain healthy cells. 

Olive oil is rich in these fats that our bodies need since they also aid in lowering cholesterol levels.

The bad fats tend to remain solid. One way to tell the difference is that good fats tend to harden in cooler temperatures and are liquid at room temperature.

There is a common myth that olive oil is fake if it hardens in the fridge, since it is rich in monounsaturated fats, this is simply not the case. 

Actually, if it doesn’t begin to harden in cooler temperatures, you may have poor quality oil that isn’t as healthy as you might think. 

We all have one thing in common, we need to eat. We don’t need to be experts in many things but we should know how to read food labels

Takeaway: In Italy we like to say that prevention is better than curing. Even if you're not suffering from high cholesterol or seem to be in perfect health, a great way to help maintain your health is by making olive oil a regular part of your daily life. 

5. It fights inflammation 

Join pain, wrist, elderly

Olive oil has incredible anti-inflammatory properties.

The International Olive Council calls it a magic compound. 

Scientifically, it is better known as oleocanthal which is one of the key ingredients to this anti-inflammatory phenomenon. It is reported that it works similarly to medicine that helps fight inflammation. 

The difference is that the oleocanthal found in extra virgin olive oil is organic while modern medicine tends to be synthetic. It matters what we put in our bodies. 

“EVOO oleocanthal positively alters inflammation and oxidative stress and has beneficial effects on markers of neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and rheumatic pathologies.” The International Olive Council 

It is important to note the difference between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). The latter is without doubt the healthiest choice as it is produced naturally without heating the oil. 

Heating the oil, especially during production reduces the vitamins and nutrient content. Extra virgin olive oil (especially organically certified), maintains a more robust content of health properties in comparison.

“Interestingly, although most of the olive oil phenolic compounds are degraded upon heating during cooking, it was verified that oleocanthal is relatively stable upon heating when it is initially present in a considerable amount in EVOO.” The International Olive Council  

Takeaway: Oleocanthal is without doubt a magic compound and is largely maintained in organic extra virgin olive even when heated. This makes EVOO, in comparison to regular olive oil, one of the healthiest cooking oils to use. 

6. Olive oil is an antioxidant 

Watermelon, berries, salad, hearts, art

When it comes to chronic diseases, extra virgin olive can help lower your risk.

Antioxidants can help protect our bodies from free radicals that are produced when we break down food in our systems. 

While oxidation is a normal and even necessary part of how we break down food, it is just as important that we balance that process to prevent oxidant stress which can lead to seriously harmful illnesses. 

EVOO is rich in these antioxidants and can act like a sort of cleanse to our systems giving us a protective shield against negative agents. 

It also contains important antiviral and antimicrobial characteristics that may help prevent an array of problems like cardiovascular disease and so much more. 

Takeaway: Plant-based foods are the best source of antioxidants. For a powermix, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over steamed broccoli, carrots, spinach and other veggies that are rich in vitamin E.

7. Olive oil contains vitamin E

Woman with ponytail exercising with phone strapped to arm and earbuds in ear

Vitamin E is a super component and absolutely necessary for our health.

It helps strengthen our immune systems and protect against numerous illnesses.

Olive oil contains a healthy amount of vitamin E which can also be beneficial for our eyes and skin.

Studies also show that vitamin E found in olive oil can help improve lung function and in particular asthma. 

This could be a potential reason why many adults and children in Mediterranean countries seem to suffer much less from asthma as olive oil is consumed in far greater quantities.

Equally as important, vitamin E may also aid in improving cognitive health. Yes, it may help our brains much more than we think.

We cannot underestimate the important role that vitamin E plays in our bodies. A vitamin E deficiency  “...may result in blindness, heart disease, permanent nerve damage and impaired thinking. Some reports also suggest that vitamin E deficiency can even result in male infertility.” National Library of Medicine

Takeaway: Before turning to supplements, try to increase your intake of foods with high vitamin E contents as they’ll also provide other important vitamins and nutrients that we need. Always go for the organic root before turning to supplements and medicine. 

But naturally, consult with your family doctor first.

8. Olive oil can help with hair and nail growth

Woman blowdrying hair

Impressively enough, olive oil is like going to the spa. 

Again this can be attributed to the vitamin E content that olive oil so proudly offers. 

Its antifungal properties help stimulate hair growth and even reduce hair loss. 

Since olive oil contains omega-3 fatty acids it also helps to prevent hair breakage and may help to improve not only growth but overall hair strength.

Olive oil contains what are called emollients which can help seal in moisture and keep our hair hydrated for healthy growth. 

While consuming olive oil is beneficial, you can also apply it to both your nails and hair, ensuring that they are dry before applying. 

You’ll want to cover both your hair and nails for at least 15 minutes after applying the oil to lock in the moisture and let the oil do the rest. 

Naturally, you’ll want to shampoo your hair twice with eco-friendly, non harsh ingredients, both for yourself and to avoid putting toxins down our drain. We not only care about you but nature as well. 

Takeaway: The growing health benefits of olive oil are undeniable. Remember that a good hair and nail routine takes time. You certainly don’t want to overdo it, but try this method for a couple of months, at least once or twice a week to see results. 

9. Olive oil can work wonders on the skin 

Woman at spa with cream on face and cucumbers on eyes

Did you know that the ancient Romans and Greeks used olive oil as soap? 

Even thousands of years ago, ancient civilizations understood the benefits of olive oil.

Nowadays in Italy, many are bringing back this ancient method and have begun to create their own soap once again. 

However, don’t be mistaken, olive oil can be made from used oil. It gives our precious oil a second life.

In fact, since used oil is often hard to dispose of and isn’t particularly great for the environment, it actually is good for our skin.

We make our own homemade olive oil soap and add in just a few drops of organic essences to give it a scent we love. 

You can make your own olive oil soap at home by storing your used olive oil from cooking. You can also create soap for washing your clothes, a great organic way to get rid of stains. 

Or you can make your own scrub by adding in some clean sand which can often be purchased at a hardware store since sand is a main component of the cement-making process. 

Takeaway: When it comes to our bodies, organic is always better. Nature really has given us all that we need. The sad truth is that most skin care products we use today are loaded with synthetics that dry our skin and that are harmful to us in the long run. 

Which olive oil should I use?

Extra virgin olive oil is by far the leader. 

Take it an extra step and ensure that you get only organically certified extra virgin olive oil that is produced from one country, and that the country is clearly stated on the label. 

That’s right, sadly most olive oil is actually not organic and most people don’t know.

Since most of the world’s olive oil comes from the Mediterranean you’ll want to look out for this symbol on the label to ensure that it is in fact organic. 

Since Italy, Spain and Greece need to abide by strict European Union regulations to acquire certification, the symbol below with the leaf can be appear in both green, or black and white.

Suole e salute bio organic certification european union symbol

It is the safest bet that your favourite organic EVOO brand isn’t using harmful chemicals to produce your olive oil. 

We also recommend extra virgin due to the fact that it is made without being heated, it helps ensure that you’re getting the most out of this sought after precious oil. 

We learned above that the more olive oil is heated the more it loses its nutritional components and with that comes the potential loss of flavor and great scent that olive oil is known for. 


Pouring olive oil from glass bottle

Exchange those animal-based fats with vegetable-based fats where possible and as much as possible. 

It is easy to introduce or increase your daily use of extra virgin olive oil, even just by drizzling it over your meals. 

The information on this website was created for educational purposes only. It is not an alternative to medical advice. Do not use the information shared here to diagnose or treat any health issues before consulting a licensed physician. Always consult a doctor for any concerns regarding your health. 

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